Student Union

Student Union Council is formed annually, under the leadership of Faculty Dean or a vice dean, from:
• Leaders of the committees from the academic staff and assistant staff
• Head of the technical staff of Youth Welfare Department
• Secretaries of the committees of the Student Union Council
• Members of the council elect one of them to be the secretary
• The head of the technical staff of Youth Welfare Department at the Faculty is to be the Secretary of the solidarity fund.
Members of the Union have to be registered at the Faculty and paid the tuition fees in addition to the union fees.
Objectives of Student Union
• Developing spiritual and moral values among students
• Discovering talented students and working on encouraging and developing them.
• Spreading the good spirit among students
• Enhancing sports, cultural, artistic and scout activities
• Forming student families and scientific societies and supporting their activities.
• Investing the energies of students in community service for the sake of the country.
Student Union Council achieves the objectives of Student Union via the following committees:
Social and Trips Committee:
• Holding the ideal male and female students competition at the level of the Faculty
• Holding the chess competition at the level of the Faculty
• Organizing blood donation campaigns
• Organizing scientific, cultural and recreational trips for students
Sports Committee
It works on spreading sports awareness among students and developing their skills by participating in different sports activities such as: (football- basketball- volleyball- handball- table tennis- tennis- speedball- squash- swimming- - wrestling - boxing - judo - karate - taekwondo – swimming - weightlifting - athletics). Student Welfare Department undertakes refresher courses at the beginning of each academic year to select the best elements to form the Faculty teams seeking to participate in the tournaments of Faculties of Dentistry at the level of the Republic. Student Welfare Department offers sportswear for the teams. The University Administration honors the top three winners at the level of the University and grants them appreciation certificates and medals. Winners have the right to participate in camps and trips to Hurghada, Sharm El Sheikh and Al-Arish for a simple fee.
Cultural Committee
• Holding festivals, seminars, and religious and cultural symposiums
• Preparing and printing posters
• Developing the linguistic and literature skills of students in (poetry-essay-colloquial poetry-Holy Qur'an-Holy Hadith)
• Holding book fairs
• Periodical publishing of cultural journals
• Giving opportunities for the talented to develop and hone their talents
• Holding cultural and religious competitions
• Holding first-aid courses for students during the summer holiday
Artistic Committee
It is considered one of the Student Union activities. It aims to find the artistic taste for students including different artistic types like:
• Theatrical arts
• Folklore
• Plastic Arts
Scout and Public Service Committee
It is one of the union's committees and aims to:
1-Hold different scout camps to spread scout awareness among students
2-Hold public service camps to serve the community and the surrounding environment.
3- Hold open-air camps to give students the opportunity to depend on themselves and to practice different activities.
The scout is honest, sincere, obedient, polite, gentle, friendly, thrifty, clean, and brave.
The Scientific Committee
• It holds symposiums, lectures, seminars and scientific forums to develop the scientific and innovative skills
• It encourages and supports scientific research of students
Families Committee
Students who have the same talents and hobbies can gather in one family to share their ideas, thoughts and cultures. These families have a determined social frame that links them to the community and organizes the communication with others.
The Faculty Union Council shall draw up the union's policy in the light of the programs adopted by the above-mentioned committees.
It also works to strengthen relations with other student unions at other faculties of the University.
• Registration for all families at each faculty is open in the first month of the academic year. Deadline for approving the family is in the end of December. It is forbidden for any family to start its activities before issuing the approval decree.
• The rapporteur of the family and a representative for each class submit a request, objectives of the family are attached, to one of the academic staff members to form a
family under his\her leadership.
• The academic staff member assumes the family and proposes the suitable amendments
• The student submits a request to Faculty Dean to issue a decree in that regard
General Provisions
• Family leader is a professor at the faculty
• The leader can choose a deputy from lecturers and assistant lecturers
• Rapporteur of the family, the treasurer and the rapporteurs of the activity committees are from students
• It is not allowed for students to be members in more than one family
• It is not allowed to hold families on a political or ideological bases
• In case of holding symposiums or seminars and hosting characters outside the university, approval from the university, 10 days before the event, is a prerequisite
• It is not allowed to practice any activities outside the Student Union without a permission from Faculty Dean
• Scientific and literature associations are considered student families and subject to the same previous conditions
• In case of organizing a trip, leader of the family must attend and a female supervisor in case of there are girl students
• Activity of the family ends by the end of the academic year
• Any act in contravention of the provisions mentioned above is considered infringement and a departure from the university regulations. The offender shall subject to the disciplinary penalties mentioned in the executive regulations of student unions.